Please do not shout or swear at any of our team. We are unfortunately seeing more behaviour that is unacceptable, and this will ultimately drive team members away and only make the service harder for us to deliver.
All our team members are doing their very best in difficult circumstances. To the majority of our patients who continue to be understanding and supportive, we thank you for your kindness, and appreciate your tolerance.
Demand for appointments has become significantly greater than capacity, and whichever way we try to manage our appointments to provide ‘same day’ demand or pre-bookable demand, there is simply not enough to be able to see everyone when they want it
We understand your frustrations at not being about to get through on the phone, at having to wait longer for an appointment, or not being seen on the day that you want
We also understand the desire to be seen in person, and we will facilitate this where possible and appropriate. Our appointments will continue to be on the phone initially, and if the clinician feels that the consultation needs to be in person, then we will convert that appointment and invite you to attend in person.
We have GPs, Registrar, a very experienced practice nurse and advanced nurse practitioner, pharmacist, Health Care Support workers, First Contact Practitioner (physiotherapist) and Paramedics working alongside the doctors which is why the reception team will ask you for the reason for your appointment so that they can book you in with the right clinician for that day.
There are other services that are outside of the practice that are also sometimes better placed to manage your condition, for example the urgent eye service –local community pharmacy- NHS 111- etc and this is why the team will direct you to other services once they know why you are asking for an appointment that day.
Again, your support and understanding is much appreciated but we have now had to take the difficult decision to report any further instances of threatening behaviour /abuse towards the doctors and staff to the police and patients will be removed from the practice list with immediate effect.
Doctors at Ramsbottom Medical Practice